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Friday, September 27, 2024

Hamas attack on Israel, a risky bet

What was Hamas hoping for by firing its first rockets on Israel on October 7th ?

Suicide !

« Blessed is everyone who blesses you, and cursed is anyone who curses you! » This is the fate of the Palestinians.


This way for Hamas to signify to the entire planet, first and foremost to the Arab countries, that the Zionist entity will always be the enemy, that “peace will never be possible in the Middle East, that cohabitation is definitely impossible”; seems to be a lost penalty in advance. Whatever the aim is, at this stage and judging by the international reactions, it will be difficult to. The brutality of the attack on Israel “causes a unanimous and widely shared rejection. Palestine has just signed its death or its destruction. Buried alive.

Apart from the men on this earth who opposed the fierce acts of Hamas (the United States, Europe, India and many African countries that unequivocally condemned the cruelty and brutality of the attack), even Yahweh in heaven will never “allow Palestine to break its promise made to the descendants of Isaac, the son of the covenant between Yahveh and Abraham.”

Any country that « takes action for the Palestinian people » must stand aside from Hamas. My decision would be to adopt a neutral position or to stop speaking on the subject. Any initiative against Israel will play in Israel’s favour. « Blessed be Israel, and let the peoples say, Amen ! »

Is the creation of a Palestinian state possible ?

The creation of the Jewish-Arab common state is illusory. Israel will “must destroy what is for him the source of evil,” because even in the time of Saul (1050-1010 BC), aggressive military policy had allowed the Philistines to always hinder Israel’s development as a nation. « For almost 200 years, the Philistines harassed and oppressed the Israelites and often invaded their territory. » This oppression ceased only when Samuel, and then David, defeated the Philistines with God’s help by cutting off the head of the giant Goliath.

If we go back to questioning biblical history, the Philistines are mentioned, under a very negative day. They came from the land of “Caphtor” (modern Crete) before taking control of the coastal region of what is now southern Israel and the Gaza Strip. For unknown reasons, they migrated from this region to the Mediterranean coast around Gaza.

“When Pharaoh let the Jewish people go, Jehovah did not lead them by the way that passed through the land of the Philistines, even if it was the most direct one.”

From the beginning, the Philistines (Palestinians) were the mortal enemies of the people of Yahweh. They played a very important role in Samson’s life and should be avoided as much as possible.

The « Abraham’s Agreements »

Abraham’s agreements with a number of Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia, do not concern Palestine. These agreements concern only the offspring of Ishmael (the son of Agar – the Egyptian servant of Sarah – the wife of Abraham. Ishmael is the brother of Isaac, the promised child. Hence, these agreements of Abraham are concluded between the sons of Abraham. The descendants of Isaac and Ishmael. Not with the Palestinians, the enemies of Israel.

“Israel has the legitimate right to settle in the lands of its ancestors.” The limits were set by Joshua, which means that Israel must not “consider bringing its borders back to the limits of the 1948 United Nations plan – with possible changes contrary to Yahweh’s promise”. In this respect, no negotiations with the enemy.

The Palestinians justify their attack for religious reasons with reference to the Al-Aqsa mosque, an important place for Islam, but this does not concern the place where King Solomon had built the Temple of Jehovah, which was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar and which will soon be rebuilt.

Whether we like it or not, Hamas is still seen as a “militia” rather than an established national army that needs international support.

©2023 – Didier Amani SANGARA, LNL News

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