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Israeli-Palestinian conflict: How to establish a “Jordan sub-state” in a Jewish state?

Some analysts and historians believe that the Jewish state was “the fruit of a colonial project” or “is a transparent, aberrant historical phenomenon”. No ! Everyone knows that the Jews did not usurp anything, they simply returned to lands from which they had been driven by various invaders. 

« I will give to you, and to your seed after you, the land in which you dwell as a foreigner, the whole land of Canaan, as an everlasting possession, and I will be their God. (Genesis 17 : 8) »

The Jewish people have a profound historical, religious and cultural connection with the land of Israel, dating back thousands of years. The Hebrew Bible documents this relationship through the stories of patriarchs such as Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. After centuries of exile and dispersion, the Zionist movement sought to revitalize this connection by establishing a national home – State for Jews.

For centuries, the region that would become Israel was part of the Ottoman Empire. After World War I and the fall of the empire, the victorious Allied powers delimited and ceded to the United Kingdom the territory known as Palestine, the part of which west of the Jordan was also known as the Land of Israel for the Jews, for its administration (not long after, with the support of the League of Nations).

Since 1949, Jordan has illegally occupied the land of Israel that has been assigned to the tribes of Ruben and Gad (the eastern part of Israel has been hashed in blue lines), Syria occupies the land that was the tribe of Manasseh (the northeastern part has been Hashed in yellow lines), and Hamas, the Arab militia under the tutelage of Jordan, is occupying the lands that have been allocated to the Tribes of Judah, Benjamin, Ephraim, and Manases (the central-eastern portion has been hacked in red lines) of Israel. In 1949, the present-day Palestine was occupied by Jordan.

Palestine is not a country, but rather a geographical region.

In reality, there is no Palestinian state today; Palestine was formerly known as a region in the Middle East (now Israel and the West Bank) that was part of the Ottoman Empire. Before World War I, this region was part of the Ottoman Empire and was not known as Palestine. However, it was divided into provinces and districts.

After the defeat of the Ottoman Empire (First World War) by France, Great Britain and Russia, the Society of Nations (S.d.N.) created in 1919 entrusted the administration of the part of Ottoman territory extending from Mesopotamia to the Mediterranean to France and Britain. France was in charge of administering the territory that now comprises Syria and Lebanon, and Britain obtained the Mandate on the Territory that currently comprises Iraq, Jordan, Israel and the Palestinian Districts.

In 1922, Britain chose to reward Emir Abdallah for his assistance in the war against the Ottomans by granting him a portion of the territory east of the Jordan that was part of the Palestine Mandate, which accounted for almost 80% of the area of Palestine. This territory was originally known as the Emirate before becoming the Kingdom of Transjordan (now Jordan).

Since Mr. David Ben Gourion declared the creation of the State of Israel on 15 May 1948, Israel has been attacked by five Arab countries, including Palestinian Arab fighters and Arab volunteers, with the official intention of “throwing the Jewish people into the sea”. The founding of the State of Israel in 1948 led to what Palestinians call “Naqba” or “catastrophe”.

While they did not have the ability to wage war, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt preferred war. In the end, the Arabs were defeated and the Palestinians decided to exile and settle in refugee camps in the hope of returning home. Until today, the Arabs repeated this refrain constantly.

Since 1948, the Arabs have given the Palestinians hope of returning to their homes and have no intention of assimilating them. Worse still, they even took the trouble of killing them whenever possible.

On 12 September 1970, the Jordanian Government decided to cease the actions of Palestinian Fidjians who regarded themselves as self-reliant. Thousands of people were killed and ARAFAT and its members were forced to settle in BeytouthSabra and Chatila.

In 1982, the Israeli army took control of the country, taking advantage of the civil war in Lebanon since 1975. Christian militias take advantage of this situation to penetrate the camps of Sabra and Chatila and kill thousands of Palestinians without the knowledge of the Israeli army.

The Nahr el-barid 2007 camp is located in central Lebanon. The Lebanese army has decided to destroy it and to relocate its 31,000 residents solely with the aim of displacing the alleged terrorists.

And the worst of all is the lack of material assistance from the Arabs to the Palestinians who live in need and under UN assistance. (UNRWA).

Since the 1967 war, the Palestinian Territories, including the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem, have been under Israeli military occupation. The Palestinians in these areas live under a regime that limits their freedom of movement, access to water and land, and other fundamental human rights.

How to resolve conflicts ?

Palestinians aspire to self-determination, justice and dignity in their own territory. They are seeking a just and lasting solution that will meet their historical and present demands. Any resolution of the conflict should take into account their legitimate rights and aspirations. However, there are no legitimate aspirations for the Palestinian people. He illegally occupies land that does not belong to him. As you can see on the map above, the West Bank and East Jerusalem are part of the lands that were assigned to the Tribes of Judah, Benjamin, Ephraim, and Manasseh.

Today, the conflict between Palestine and Israel is an aggression by Jordan against Israel. A Jordanian sub-state cannot be created in another state (Israel) without its recognition as a sovereign state, since it is not based solely on historical or religious claims.

« These territories [are] where the Jewish people were born and developed. It is time to apply Israeli law and write a glorious new chapter in the history of Zionism. »

And faced with multiple threats, Israel had to prioritize the security of its citizens. Rocket attacks, suicide attacks and other forms of aggression have reinforced the need for Israel to maintain a firm defence position.

To end the conflict, Palestinians have two options. Instead of resuming the way of exile as in 1949 or being massacred by the Israeli army, “they must submit to the Hebrew State to obtain the status of Israeli resident citizens without assuming any public office of the State. Break up with Jordan, which is manipulating them because it fears it will be overthrown.” The Palestinian people have no reason to expect Arab leaders to allow “the expansion of absurdity!”

I assume that this issue concerns Palestinians who would reside in UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) camps outside Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

Palestinians living in Arab countries in the Middle East, such as Egypt and the Gulf region, are regarded as guest workers or under the state’s guardianship and are only granted work permits or temporary residence. It is impossible to genuine integration. The Arab Governments that manage UNRWA camps, in Lebanon and Syria, have no intention of integrating Palestinians living there into their own nations, thereby prohibiting them from working or living outside these camps. There is no reason to expect that to change.

Many Palestinian and Jordanian women refuse to marry Palestinian men in countries such as Jordan, where citizenship is granted by patrilinear blood juice (for example, a person must have a Jordanian father to be Jordanian), because they know that if they marry a Jordanese man, their children will be able to live and work legally in Jordan, but if they are married to a Palestinian, they will be as stateless as their fathers. This demonstrates that the Arabs are not united as a single people, but rather extremely divided and ready to endure the deprivations of other Arabs.

Arab governments abuse the Palestinians because they see them as an “essential tool in their attempt to eliminate Israel.” By allowing Palestinians to become citizens of their own states, “Arab governments could find a viable solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict”, with regard to refugees. Arab countries prefer to avoid this because it would legitimize Israel. Thus, they allow these refugees and their loved ones to endure unnecessary suffering in order to consolidate their political strategy that Israel must leave.

Although the conflict is complex and requires a negotiated solution that respects the rights of all the peoples concerned, Israel’s right to security and self-determination is a central element of this dynamic.

And if Israel accepts our resolution to this conflict, it must monitor the actions of the Palestinians on its territory. Until recently, Palestinians had Jordanian passports, and the wife of the King of Jordan is Palestinian.

©2023 – Didier Amani SANGARA, LNL News

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