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The fight against illegal migration on Europe, a NATO “gateway” to Africa ?

The bilateral relationship between the European Union (EU) and Tunisia in the conclusion of an agreement on migration cooperation – combating irregular migration on Europe presents itself as a « NATO gateway to Africa ». The issue of migration is not limited to Tunisia. « If the migrants are prevented from passing through Tunisia, they will immediately pass through Libya or Morocco ». « A good alibi » for Giorgia Meloni to « operate NATO first in North Africa – the Maghreb », with the aim of stopping migration flows across Europe knowing the involvement of powerful networks, including the mafia, in human trafficking.

The motives for this sudden interest in Africa at a time when NATO seems to fail to face Russia in the war in Ukraine are « intriguing » and it is a « sign » that announces the « confrontation of Russia and NATO on African ground ».

Tunisian President Saïed does not realize that the approach of the Italian chairman of the Council and the head of the European Commission is a « danger to Africa » or a « variable geometry interference ». The European ballet in Tunis, without conditioning their aid to anything other than the fight against migration, is a trap to compete with Russia and China in Africa. That is what Mrs Giorgia Meloni said at the NATO Summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, on 11 and 12 July 2023. Meloni clearly expressed his desire to « strengthen NATO in Africa and the Middle East ». She believes that the Russians and the Chinese have already taken an important position in Africa, while « Europe is lagging behind ». Giorgia also stressed the importance of Africa for Italy, both as a source of illegal migration and as a raw material essential for economic growth.

Emphasizing that the Russians and the Chinese have already taken an important position in Africa, Giorgia Meloni refers to the « increasing competition for economic, political and military influence in this region ». China and Russia have increased their investment and presence in Africa in recent years, strengthening their economic and strategic partnership with certain African countries. Giorgia Meloni’s political approach aims to « strengthen NATO’s influence in Africa and the Middle East, in order to face security challenges and compete with rival geopolitical players ». However, this approach also raises questions about Italy’s implications and responsibilities towards African countries, and how NATO could adapt to these new geopolitical challenges.

Meloni sought to join his NATO allies in this initiative, advocating that NATO should not focus only on Eastern Europe, but also take into account the challenges of Africa and the South in general. His efforts are encouraged by the European political context, with difficulties in France, the Netherlands, Spain and the forthcoming elections in Poland.

Why is NATO in Africa and the Middle East ?

Giorgia Meloni’s position regarding NATO’s presence in Africa so that the West can « take advantage of Africa’s essential raw materials » may be subject to different interpretations and versions. It appears to be a necessary security measure to « protect the economic and geopolitical interests of Western countries, including Italy ». NATO could be a way for Western countries to « protect themselves against this growing competition and protect their economic interests in the region ». Some may interpret Giorgia’s statements as a concern over the « increased role of China and Russia in Africa. »

NATO was created after World War II to « promote collective security and mutual defence among its members », and its primary role was to « counter the perceived threat of Soviet expansionism during the Cold War. » Today, Ukraine, which has « become a battlefield » or a « field of demonstration of strength » between Western countries and Russia, must « serve as a lesson for Africans ».

The issue of NATO’s expansion into Africa remains complex and subject to debate, with divergent interests among Western countries, African countries and other international actors.

While NATO can contribute to the fight against radical Islamism, a problem that concerns many African countries, referring to the past – the Barkhane mission in the Sahel, NATO would be like the UN peacekeeping missions that failed their missions in Africa. While « UN peacekeeping » has become a « smart strategy for the exploitation of mineral resources in Africa, » how could NATO focus exclusively on combating Russia’s and China’s influence in Africa ?

NATO involvement could be perceived as “foreign interference”, which could create tensions. History has shown that foreign intervention, even with the best intentions, can sometimes lead to unforeseen consequences. For example, NATO intervention in Libya in 2011, although initially hailed as a success, has left a power vacuum that has led to years of instability and conflict. The country has been divided between various armed groups and rival governments, and has experienced constant instability and conflict. In addition, the situation in Libya has created a power vacuum that has been exploited by various extremist groups, including the Islamic State.

One might say that NATO would intervene to « cause wars and unrest while target countries are being looted, given that the West needs essential raw materials ». It is important to emphasize that the motives behind NATO actions can be complex and multifactorial, and may vary according to specific contexts.

NATO’s aim in Africa would be to keep the Russians and the Chinese outside and the Americans inside Africa. This gives an idea of NATO’s strategic importance in world politics. There is a risk that NATO may prioritize its own security interests to the detriment of the specific needs and priorities of Africans.

NATO’s action in Africa is not the only way to conquer Africa.

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